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Message par Katsu' » 25 Juil 2019 01:05


Hello and welcome to my first shop !

It's probably going to be a mess and that's why Cry here will help me !

Image : Hey.
What I'm proposing you here is nothing very extravagant, I'll draw your creatures ! But since I'm not a professionnal artist, I have preferred races such as minsoushas and lunaris.
That doesn't mean I can't draw other races like Flamiris and Stoufix but the result will probably be less pleasing than if I drew a minousha for example :]
On the other hand, I can't draw Neptulys, really not my thing...urseal are quite hard for me too <<

Now, as for the form :
1) Headshot or full :
2) Creature(s) :
3) Type (Colored/Only the line?) :
4) Pose (join a picture if possible) :
5) Accessories :
6) Inspired of someone/something ? :
7)Precisions (Don't hesitate to write novels here) :

Code : Tout sélectionner
Headshot ou full :
Creature(s) :
Type (Colored/Only the line?) :
Pose (join a picture if possible) :
Accessories :
Inspired of someone/something ? :
Precisions (Don't hesitate to write novels here) :

I'll now let Cry explain you the form :]

Uh...Okay, pay attention ;

1) Do you want a headshot or a fullbody ? That's an easy one.
2) Put your creature's picture here.
3) Tell us if you want only the line of the creature (that's if you want to color it yourself or something idk you do you.) or if you want us to color it for you.
4) How should your creature pose on the drawing? Don't hesitate to post a picture of what you want or a detailed explanation the more you'll be precise the more the drawing will be able to match your expectations.
5) Does your creature have special accessories that are not visible on its picture ? Should some of its accessories not figure on the drawing...?
6) Is it inspired of someone, something? This one speaks for itself did I really have to explain it?
7) And here you put pretty much any detail that seems important to you. Anything really it may be the creature's character or anything else. It might help us get what kind of look she must have. Oh and again, don't hesitate to write novels.


Here are some examples of drawings though I recommend you to rely on the commissions I already completed since my skills are evolving with time (fortunately heh) so maybe it'll be more significant :]

Spoiler: show

"Humanised" creatures (Hairs, etc. are considered accessories)

Full body


Keranne's commission [FR]
Spoiler: show
Keranne a écrit:Headshot ou full : full
Créature(s) :
Type (Coloriée/Seulement le line?) : coloriée
Pose (joindre une image si possible) : Alors, la première petite puce au milieu, les ailes déployées pour cacher si ça t'arrange le corps des autres. Elle est debout sur ses quatre pattes; face à nous, un grand sourire sur le museau. La deuxième, en retrait derrière la principale, sur sa gauche, semblant se cacher derrière l'aile de la première, les joues roses si tu y arrives. Le troisième en une position agressive, toujours en retrait par rapport à la première, les griffes sorties et les crocs légèrement découverts.
Accessoires : Aucun
Inspiré(e) de quelqu'un/quelque chose? : de mon livre sur les linéfs ^^
Précisions (Ayez pas peur de faire des pavés) : Ce sont des linéfs ( des félins ailés de la taille d'un lion, et dans leur cas, ce sont des lineveaux ( des bébés de cette espèce) ). La première se nomme Sajah, son plus grand rêve, c'est d'être la meilleure voleuse du monde. C'est une lineveau extravertie et aventureuse, qui n'a pas sa langue dans sa poche. La deuxième, Zina, est une peureuse. Elle très gentille, mais hyper timide, elle imagine le monde rempli de monstres et n'ose pas s'y aventurer. Le troisième, Macho, seul mâle de la porté, est un bagarreur qui adore se battre.


Tigereyes kaktus (Lunaris)
Spoiler: show

Florane's Laena(Lunaris)
Spoiler: show

Mykah's Cionaodh (Neptulys)
Spoiler: show

Atlante's Der Sandmann (Minousha)
Spoiler: show

Florane's Snow bringer (Lunaris)
Spoiler: show


Sooooo I guess that's it, of course, all my drawings are free I just ask you to be patient :3 I'll try to finish your drawings quite fast anyway but you know...Life .-.
Ah, as for the number of places, I'll probably draw for 2-3 people at a time, I'll y'all informed :]

If I forgot anything (on your drawing but also in my post x) please tell me I can be negligent sometimes x)
(And please write in a correct english, I'm not talking about perfect english and stuff mine isn't that good either but just so I understand what you want correctly :) )

Okay ! So now's the time for me to go to bed and Cry will take care of your orders, thank you ♥

Wha- I thought I just had to explain that form?!

/!\The drawings on the banners were made by Kamirah and ZannahTheDragon /!\
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Message par osstali » 24 Déc 2019 14:38

hi that interests me but for an OC it is possible? it's a cat
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Inscrit le : 30 Juin 2017 20:40
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Message par Katsu' » 02 Jan 2020 11:30

Yeah I should be able to do that !
I'll just need the informations and I'll get to it !

Since I'm at it, I'm also closing the shop for a little while because I won't be able to work on more commissions :c
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