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Message par Sheryl » 04 Juin 2017 18:34

It is my story :

A potatoe life :
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My name? What it is? I don't remember. Who're my parents? I don't remember. I feel like all my mind is flying far away. What's the problem with me? Why am I feeling like I'm hurt?

Stop, stop stop. Don't panic, me. Control yourself. I know you can. Take an analysis of the situation. You're in the dark, and you didn' feel anythnig. I can't. I know I have to keep calm, but I can't. I have this impression that I have lost a part of me. What happens to me?

An hottest wave. This is what I feel. I manage to feel something! But it is'nt pleasant. I think like I am burning.

An other sensation! Now I want to cry, to yell, to scream. My boddy is weaken. I don't want to finish craquelling.

Now I remember. Finally, it isn't a good thing to remember. My skin isn't here. They have take it off when they took me apart, far of my friends. I was with other vegetables, in a table. I was discussing with us when the tragedy began. One by one, they were removing our skin, and now I'm here. I don't know what's going to happen to me, but the apparatus in front of my head is frightening.
''Blender'' a carrot whisper.

I think my long life of potatoe is achieving now, but this is for a new beginning as a potage.
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Message par Truffula » 04 Juin 2017 20:06

I can't think of a new story this month on this topic, but I wrote one with this topic for the G.O. creature story contest.


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Story for this creature :


Je suis né de l'intérieur d'un fruit. Vous ne le croyez pas ? Il paraît étrange qu'un Flamiris comme moi soit né dans un fruit, n'est-ce pas ? Mais ce fut le cas. L'arbre produisit un fruit doux d'une branche unique, et il ressemblait à un abricot, ou peut-être une drupe. A l'intérieur, je grandissais lentement.

Les choses merveilleuses de l'intérieur d'un fruit ne peuvent être toutes racontées à celui qui n'y a jamais été, mais celle-ci peut l'être : la qualité de la lumière est différente de partout ailleurs. La lumière du soleil passe à travers la peau du fruit et brille avec chaleur et douceur. La lumière de la lune est obscurcie jusqu'à être à peine visible, mais sa lueur lactée peut être vue avec des yeux adaptés à l'obscurité à l'intérieur du fruit, comme une perle sous les profondeurs de l'eau.

Je vivais là blotti comme noyau de l'unique enfant de l'arbre, jusqu'à ce qu'un jour une créature atterrisse sur la branche à laquelle mon fruit était suspendu. Cette créature donna des coups de bec jusqu'à ce qu'elle puisse s'envoler avec le fruit, tenant la tige dans son bec, emportant le fruit, et moi à l'intérieur, vers son nid.

Elle dut me sentir à l'intérieur. Elle déposa mon fruit près de ses oeufs et s'assit sur nous tous, nous réchauffant avec son corps jusqu'à ce que chacun de nous - moi y compris - éclose. Malgré le fait que mes camarades de nid possèdent des plumes et moi des écailles, nous étions tous une famille pendant un temps, et la créature qui m'avait emporté depuis l'arbre me nourrit comme si j'étais sien.

Trop tôt, cependant, mes frères et soeurs apprirent à voler, mais mes ailes n'avaient pas grandi aussi rapidement que les leurs. Ils s'envolèrent et me laissèrent, toujours incapable de voler, derrière... mais ailes étaient là, mais si petites qu'elles ne pouvaient me décoller du sol. Mon voeu est qu'un jour mes ailes deviennent grandes et fortes. Alors je m'envolerai à la recherche de toute ma famille - les créatures du nid où je vivais, et aussi l'arbre qui m'a fait naître en premier.


I was born from the inside of a fruit. You can't believe it? Seems strange a Flamiris like me to be born in a fruit, right? But I was. The tree grew a sweet fruit on a single branch, and it looked like an apricot, or maybe a drupe. Inside I was slowly growing.

The wonderful things about the inside of a fruit can't all be told to one who has never been there, but this one can: the quality of the light is different there than anywhere else. Sunlight filters through the fruit's flesh and glows with warmth and sweetness. Moonlight is dimmed to barely visible, but its milky glow can be seen with dark-adapted eyes through the fruit, like a pearl deep under the water.

I lived there curled up as the nucleus of the tree's only child, until one day a flying creature landed on the branch from which my fruit hung. That creature pecked until it was able to fly off with the fruit, holding the stem in its beak, carrying the fruit, and me within, to its nest.

It may have sensed me inside. It lay my fruit next to its eggs and sat on us all, warming us with its body, until each of us - me included - hatched. Though my nest-mates had feathers and I had scales, we were all a family for a time, and the creature who had taken me from the tree fed me as if I were its own.

All too soon, though, my siblings learned to fly, but my wings did not grow as fast as theirs had. They flew off and left me, still unable to fly, behind... my wings are there, but so tiny they can't lift me off the ground. My wish is that someday my wings grow large and strong. Then I will fly off in search of all my family - the creatures whose nest I lived in, and the tree who first bore me too.

by Truffula

translated by Eliya
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Message par Sheryl » 10 Juin 2017 20:53

I have appreciated your story Truffula. We can say that you're in the theme. It was funny ^^

For the next month, want you to propose any idea?
I take it the last time, so I'm wondering if someone wants to chose the next month's subject ;)
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Message par Truffula » 15 Juin 2017 06:09

Sure. For next month (July 4) write about a revolution. (Because it's USA independence day)

It can be any kind of revolution - one that is a war, or one that is inside a single creature changing its life. Or even the world turning and revolving if you like :)
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Message par Sheryl » 04 Juil 2017 13:02

Good afternoon! I've finisdh the story, hoping that I'm right with the subject ^^

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She was looking forward. Far away those blood stain. After those body layed in the floor. She was watching the sky, her only friend. It was the only one wich can help her to keep her calm, to go ahead. A slight breeze whispered in her ear that she had made the right choice but the landscape in front of her showed her the opposite. Was it really good to lead them for that result?

A sunbeam came to calm her. She felt a weight go away her shoulders. After a last look at this desesperate landscape, she went. A few feets mater a crowd was waiting for her. A smile grown in her face. She wasn't alone, she have friends and family who helped her.

“How was it?” ask a child, a warm smile in his face.
“They have lost, but” she was hesitating. Did she have to say the sad truth?
“Dad is dead?” whispered the little boy.
“Yes, I'm sorry. I'm the only one who survive.”

An atonishing silence was following her words.
“How did you manage to survive, traitor?” shout an angry voice. She recognised her best friend's voice.
“You're the one who lead this revolution! If only we haven't listen you.” cried a woman.
“We're free now, but it has cost so much price. We don't want more freedom. Give us the lifes of those who perish.” said an other one.

She didn't knew what to do. After all, they didn't like her. They're not happy than they have found the freedom? All was her fault. The sun was not helping her to keep her calm, he was on the crowd side. The sky was dark, he hadn't any words to say.

“If only you haven't exist!” shout her lover.
“You're an abomination of the human nation. You have to die.”
Tears were overflowing her eyes. After all she did for them, this was their answer. The blood sky was gone and a blue sky replace it. She didn't ear any sound of battle.

A last sunbeam keep place on her shouder. It calmin her down and she understanded. The crowd wanted her for the revolution. But now that the freedom was found, the War didn't have any place in their lives. She hadn't any places in their lives. Because she was the War. With this last sunbeam, the War disappeared, leaving the crowd crying their deaths and constructed their new lifes.

She continued to watch them in a blood cloud. If they wanted her, she was here. If they didn't wanted her, she went. But take care, the War is closer than we believe it.
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Message par Truffula » 06 Juil 2017 03:04

I like your story, it's sad though...
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Message par Sheryl » 06 Juil 2017 08:29

Thank you :)
When I have finished this story, I have realised that it is sad. So, for the next month I want to made an happy story ^^
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Message par Sheryl » 17 Juil 2017 13:27

Subject for August, the 4th :

A fantasy creature ask your character to help her. How will do your character for the sake of the creature?


If you want to participate, don't hesitate ^^ You're welcome! :)
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Message par Sheryl » 25 Août 2017 15:05

Sorry I wasn't here for a long time '^^
Have you an idea for the next month?
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Message par Sheryl » 04 Oct 2017 17:25

After this break of two months, there is an new subject for November the 4th 2017! ^^

September is over but what do you think to write about back-to-school?
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