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Message par Saby-chan » 01 Juin 2023 21:59

Hello, for the past 4 hours or so, I've been stuck with this bug in which every time I try to click on the banner for the event, it shows me an error message and refuses to give me the pies. I can't partake in the event anymore if this issue continues. ^^'
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Message par Gothikadoll » 01 Juin 2023 23:23

Hi Saby, i see you have 3 pies so it worked until one point, so i guess it's not a problem of timer like it's often is

Could you press F12 and screenshot the console panel next time you see this error ? (with the error pop-up still open) so that Gabou can see exactly where the problem could be
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Message par Saby-chan » 01 Juin 2023 23:26

Gothikadoll a écrit:Hi Saby, i see you have 3 pies so it worked until one point, so i guess it's not a problem of timer like it's often is

Could you press F12 and screenshot the console panel next time you see this error ? (with the error pop-up still open) so that Gabou can see exactly where the problem could be

Hope this maybe helps?

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Message par Gabou » 01 Juin 2023 23:45

Thank you for your screen capture, it is weird but the error means that you are no longer logged in, just refresh the page, you should see the login form and it should be back to normal :)
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Message par Saby-chan » 02 Juin 2023 07:22

Gabou a écrit:Thank you for your screen capture, it is weird but the error means that you are no longer logged in, just refresh the page, you should see the login form and it should be back to normal :)

I am logged in and the issue is still persisting even today! I kept connecting and disconnecting, tried it on different browsers, even on the phone and it still gives me the error message.

At this point, since this has probably costed me between 10 and 20 pies (if not more) lost since the bug started and until now, preventing me from collecting ANY PIES whatsoever, I want a compensation of pies amounting to those I've lost! THIS IS UTTERLY UNFAIR AND UNBELIEVABLE TO BE THE ONLY ONE PREVENTED FROM PARTICIPATING IN THE EVENT! And yes, I am angry because this means I will lose this events pets and paladins and it's NOT MY DAMN FAULT!
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Message par Eliya » 02 Juin 2023 09:07

Please keep clam, shouting on everyone has never solved any problem.

Gabou is still looking for the issue, did you tried to delete the cookies from your browsers ?
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Message par Saby-chan » 02 Juin 2023 11:40

Eliya a écrit:Please keep clam, shouting on everyone has never solved any problem.

Gabou is still looking for the issue, did you tried to delete the cookies from your browsers ?

I use Incognito Mode on Chrome specifically for the automatic deletion of cookies whenever I exit the browser, since cookies have proven in the past to cause troubles in events on other games/platforms (the only solution being the deletion of these cookies), so no, this is not the cause. Also, I tried claiming the pies on other browsers too and the error message keeps popping up. :|

Just try understanding me here too, of course I am very angry since I am very frustrated, considering I am the only one affected by this damn bug and I have 0 clue to why this problem started occurring in the first place (the banner worked fine yesterday until around 6 PM GMT, and then the bug popped up and hasn't worked ever since). This already costed me like 12+ hours of pies I could have collected in an event that's already very limited in time and if it keeps up like this, I will not be able to collect the Paladins or event pets! Knowing the management of the site, I won't be receiving any compensation either for a bug that wasn't my damned fault to begin with, which makes things even more frustrating for me!
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Message par Gothikadoll » 02 Juin 2023 12:36

Just a shot in the dark here but did you check the box "log me in automatically" ? If so maybe, just maybe uncheck it, disconnect yourself and reconnect yourself manually.
I don't know if it will work, but if the game thinks you're disconnected it may unlock your problem to force him to reconsider his position XD

And yes, I know, we know it can be frustrating, but consider we are human too, Gabou saw the error at 1AM and the error told him "yup, she is not connected anymore" he is not behind your chair seeing that you just refreshed the page before the error, you did not tell us that so how should he have known that you haven't had been automatically disconnected due to inactivity for example. It happens.

And I find you very harsh concerning a game where one of the admin answers to you directly at 1AM and gave numerous times a gift shop, something you HAVE to pay, retroactively to people who paid jewels until 24 hours before the arrival of said gift shop.
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Message par Saby-chan » 02 Juin 2023 15:01

Gothikadoll a écrit:Just a shot in the dark here but did you check the box "log me in automatically" ? If so maybe, just maybe uncheck it, disconnect yourself and reconnect yourself manually.
I don't know if it will work, but if the game thinks you're disconnected it may unlock your problem to force him to reconsider his position XD

And yes, I know, we know it can be frustrating, but consider we are human too, Gabou saw the error at 1AM and the error told him "yup, she is not connected anymore" he is not behind your chair seeing that you just refreshed the page before the error, you did not tell us that so how should he have known that you haven't had been automatically disconnected due to inactivity for example. It happens.

And I find you very harsh concerning a game where one of the admin answers to you directly at 1AM and gave numerous times a gift shop, something you HAVE to pay, retroactively to people who paid jewels until 24 hours before the arrival of said gift shop.

I don't even know what that option is (and I have 0 clue where it's located to even be able to check if it is set on or not). At this point I've lost up to a day's worth of pies collecting and I am starting to lose all hope that this will get solved. I would've submitted the bug earlier yesterday if I knew it was a bug to begin with and not just a temporal error and never would have I imagined it was gonna be an issue affecting solely me (I have a life too, I can't check in every five minutes to see if an error was solved or not).

And I doubt that I would have on an option to log myself in automatically since, as I've said before, I am using the Incognito Mode on Chrome when visiting gaming sites such as this one so that cookies get automatically deleted to avoid issues caused by the accumulation of unwanted/unnecessary cookies, so I have to log in manually every single time I come back to the site.
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Message par Saby-chan » 03 Juin 2023 07:34

Problem still unsolved even today. At this point I really feel like just giving up. Again, it's totally unfair towards me, but I grew emotionally tired to let this keep frustrating and angering me.
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