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Message par foxhaven » 05 Fév 2021 01:16

EDIT: It seems to be working now.


Hi! After I adopted my first Valentines Day pet, I got this message when I went to "My Pets"

WriteBlob Failed `./secure/Lunaris/2021/Feb/bebe4_mini.png' @ error/png.c/MagickPNGErrorHandler/1726

My other pages are fine. It seems to only be the pets without a clan. It seemed to happen when I adopted the Valentine pet. I am on Google Chrome.
Best wishes,
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Message par Elowen » 03 Avr 2022 22:28

Was wondering if it was a migration error as I got this error when trying to apply a background to a pet. (The pet has previously had this same scene in the past so it was really puzzling that it had this error

WriteBlob Failed `/var/www/gothicat-legacy/creatures_secure/1831300_mini.png' @ error/png.c/MagickPNGErrorHandler/1641

Reloading the creature in a new tab suggests the background had been updated, but it seeems similar to the error mentioned in Foxhaven's forum post so am tacking it on here (Sorry if I should have opened a new topic for this though because the handler ID# is different), and my creature is in a sorted clan.

Additionally I'm using a version of FF and Chrome has NEVER been installed on this machine

I don't think it has any bearing but a daylight savings change was made very recently for us,

Today tried swapping plushies because I wanted to add the leviathan to "Leviathan" and got another one

WriteBlob Failed `/var/www/gothicat-legacy/creatures_secure/10294262_mini.png' @ error/png.c/MagickPNGErrorHandler/1641

A similar issue happened with decorations. On a whim tried adding accessories to (which is the next Flamiris in that clan) and no error showed up when saving the accessories, or removing them and saving that, but moving to the following one (which has an existing plushie) and adding an accessory caused the writeblob error again. Hopefully this is enough to help track the problem down with, or at least build a bigger picture of why this error keeps happening intermittently.

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Message par Gabou » 03 Avr 2022 23:57


Thank you very much for posting this issue, it was related to the migration to a new server.

The items were correctly added to your creatures but the preview image used on the cards could not be modified. It happens when you tried to modify a creature with personalization.

I have just fixed this issue, it should be back to normal :)

Have a nice day!
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